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Florida Intellectual Property Attorney > West Palm Beach Intellectual Property Audit Lawyer

West Palm Beach Intellectual Property Audit Lawyer

An IP audit is an essential step to take to protect your brand. A comprehensive IP audit includes not only identifying what your intellectual property assets are but also determining whether you have taken appropriate steps to secure and protect your rights to those assets. The West Palm Beach intellectual property audit lawyers at Perkins Law – Brand Protection, has over 20 years of experience helping South Florida business owners enforce and protect their valuable intellectual property rights. Call Perkins Law – Brand Protection today to set up an initial consultation and schedule your IP audit. It’s the first step to making sure you are doing all you should be doing to protect your brand.

Steps of an IP Audit in West Palm Beach

At Perkins Law – Brand Protection, your West Palm Beach IP audit will be tailored to your particular company’s needs. A comprehensive IP audit will generally include the following activities:

Identify your company’s IP assets – These may include patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, licensing agreements and more.

Identify your current level of protection for IP – Are patents, trademarks and copyrights appropriately registered? Do your employment agreements and third-party agreements adequately protect your IP from misappropriation and theft?

Identify gaps or deficiencies in your IP ownership – Are there problems or defects that could undermine the enforceability of your IP rights?

Develop and implement a strategy to eliminate risks and maximize economic opportunities in accordance with your business plan.

West Palm Beach IP Law Firm

Perkins Law – Brand Protection is here to handle every aspect of your intellectual property portfolio that needs to be addressed to protect your brand and enforce your IP rights in West Palm Beach, throughout Florida and beyond. Perkins Law – Brand Protection can take care of all of the following and more:

Copyright Registration

A copyright is created at the moment when the work is created, or more specifically, when it is “fixed in a tangible medium of expression” for the first time. Registering the copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office does not create the copyright, but it affords substantial protection against infringement by establishing an official date for the copyright. Whether you are an artist or an architect, your livelihood rests on your ability to protect the ownership of your creative works. We understand how vital it is for you to protect original works of authorship. We’ll counsel you and assist you through the process of registering your copyright to keep you safe.

Trademark Registration

The names, symbols, logos and words you choose to associate with your business are how you establish your brand and make it distinctive. These marks represent you to the world; they are invaluable and deserving of your highest protection. The West Palm Beach brand protection attorneys at Perkins Law – Brand Protection, can help you with every step of the trademark registration process, including selection, registration, maintenance and more.

Trade Secret Protection

Just as every company has intellectual property to protect, your business likely maintains proprietary or confidential information that has value and is worth protecting. The brand protection attorneys at Perkins Law – Brand Protection, can help you protect your valuable trade secrets through the use of carefully drafted confidentiality agreements and other legal instruments. A comprehensive IP audit will help you identify your trade secrets and put the right mechanisms in place to protect your confidential information. If you have been threatened with theft of company secrets or have been the victim of actual misappropriation, we’ll take the necessary steps to litigate your claim and recover damages as appropriate.

Employment Agreements

You might go through a great deal of trouble in screening and hiring employees you can trust to handle sensitive information, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t also take additional steps to protect your company and your invaluable intellectual property from misuse by current or former employees. Perkins Law – Brand Protection can help you by drafting a complete set of nondisclosure agreements, non-compete agreements, non-solicitation agreements and confidentiality agreements to protect your intellectual property and give you recourse should an employee misappropriate trade secrets.


If you hold a patent, trademark or copyright, then you hold valuable intellectual property that can and should be exploited for its maximum potential. But producing or marketing your product entirely by yourself might fail to take full advantage of the economic opportunities your assets and brand have to offer. The West Palm Beach IP licensing attorney at Perkins Law – Brand Protection, can help you make the most of your valuable intellectual property through profitable assignment, licensing, franchising and merchandising agreements. We’ll negotiate, draft or review the licensing agreement or assignment that best helps you achieve your goals while protecting your invaluable assets, making sure any agreement is carefully composed to protect your brand consistent with your overall business plan.

Protect Your Brand and Your West Palm Beach Intellectual Property

Call Perkins Law – Brand Protection today at 561-467-4001 to schedule an IP audit for your company or for diligent, professional expertise in establishing, protecting, and enforcing your IP rights.

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