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Three Big Risks You Face Without a Comprehensive Trademark Search


You should always conduct a thorough trademark clearance search before making a major investment into a new brand. The Legal Information Institute explains that a trademark search is “an investigation usually conducted by the party that intends to register and use a new trademark.” At Perkins Law – Brand Protection, we provide proactive, comprehensive trademark search services to businesses and entrepreneurs in Florida. Here, our Boca Raton trademark search attorney highlights the three big risks that you and your company will face without a proper trademark search.

Risk #1: You Do Not Want to Launch a Brand If You Cannot Secure Trademark Rights 

Launching a brand—whether a new company or a specific product/service—without securing trademark rights is akin to building a house on shaky ground. Without a comprehensive trademark search, you risk choosing a brand name or logo that is already in use. Your brand could potentially infringe on another entity’s already-established intellectual property (IP) rights. It is a big deal. It could lead to being unable to register your trademark. A thorough trademark search is essential to ensure your brand’s identity is unique and protectable from the outset. A Florida trademark lawyer can help you with a comprehensive search.

 Risk #2: Without a Trademark Search, You Could Get Locked in an IP Law Dispute 

Skipping a comprehensive trademark search can lead to entanglement in intellectual property (IP) disputes. No business or entrepreneur wants to get locked down in a trademark dispute when they are going through the process of launching a fresh brand.  If your chosen brand name or logo infringes on an existing trademark, that trademark owner could take legal action against you. The results could be very problematic—potentially costing you time, money, and other resources.  Conducting a trademark search helps you avoid these pitfalls by ensuring your brand does not infringe on others’ IP rights.

Risk #3: A Brand is a Major Investment (Know What You Can and Cannot Trademark)

Building a brand involves major investment. That investment could involve putting resources in marketing, product development, and customer engagement. To protect this investment, it is crucial to know what elements of your brand can and cannot be trademarked. A comprehensive trademark search helps you understand the trademark landscape—identifying potential conflicts and ensuring your brand elements are distinctive and registrable. Without this knowledge, you might invest heavily in branding efforts only to discover that key elements cannot be protected. Your brand could be vulnerable to a claim from a competitor or other business.

Get Help From a Trademark Clearance Search Lawyer in South Florida

At Perkins Law – Brand Protection, our Florida trademark clearance search attorney helps clients nationwide establish and protect their rights. Reach out to us by phone or contact us online to set up your completely private, no obligation initial consultation. From our Boca Raton legal office, we handle trademark clearance searches for businesses, entrepreneurs, and organizations throughout all of South Florida, including in Miami-Dade County, Broward County, Palm Beach County, and Martin County and beyond.

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